lunes, 28 de junio de 2021


Never be me.
In the last call, hurt most.

Sometimes, something happen, & happen & happens again. But you don't normalize it & it questions you, ma-maybe that I wanted is impossible, I don't know, but. 

The thing is this: If you man for a minute puts you in second for another woman., every time it happens I think, never be me. And you blame biology, society, religion, perception, freedom, not matter what it is, that isn't right & never will be. Probably when you realize that, it's most likely late. 

And all this time running together, feel like splinters on the tongue because even if you explain it, never knows how you feel, then, stop saying it. 
Reader, u know the final_________________. 

You take the last call, & hurts you most. M

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2021

Red Cherry

 Part II

''In general, respiration is nothing more than a slow combustion of carbon and hydrogen, wich is completely similar to that produced in a lamp or a candle that illuminates and, from that point of view, animals that breathe are combustible bodies that they burn and consume themselves''. Lavosier

We live in a modernism world/ outdate
involved in a foul game
red cherry
red sex
privacy is dead.
Awake, you're not weak. M

martes, 9 de marzo de 2021

Red cherry


                               Part I.

Women aren't weak.
I have seen many women get up after giving a birth,
after being hit over & over again,
separated from their children,

We were burned for working,
hidden for learn,
displaced for speaking,
killed for fighting,.

because from eden we were pointed by sin,
manipulated to think that it was all our fault.
They're still keep tightening the rope, it isn't finish yet
& neither do we. 
Women aren't weak.


Women aren't weak.
He visto a muchas mujeres levantarse después de dar a luz,
después de ser una y otra vez golpeadas,
separadas de sus hijos,
& prostituidas.

Fuimos quemadas por trabajar,
escondidas por aprender,
desplazadas por hablar,
& asesinadas por luchar.,

porque desde el edén fuimos señalas por el pecado
manipuladas para pensar que todo ha sido nuestra culpa.
 Siguen apretando la soga, aún no ha terminado
& nosotras tampoco. 
Women aren't weak. 

jueves, 14 de enero de 2021

My room's ghosts

3. La Fille

I don't have story of her

hides behind curtains

you can see the tips of their little shoes

she appears only in the night

I never had the guts for uncover the window 

but when the kid hidding, something else was close. M