lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

l'adieu oiseau

I had a dream, I was standing in front of the mirror, with the same face, what are you now?

In the same paths, but suddenly you're not so young anymore
Do you still do what you love or it's just a memory?. M

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016


Hope is a flower stored in the box
Like Schrödinger's cat, time runs
What is it?
Talked to my friends, talked to myself
Humans blame when something makes them feel unstable
But that's not me
Be complicated, said to be my problem, melancholic, suicidal-depressive as surnames
We follow our instincts, we can't blame nature for the fear of our hearts.
The truth, I can't finish this poem
I can't finish something that never existed
Something that just lives in my mind
The only thing there I can do is: start over
& to look at the cat's eye again. M

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

Forehead kiss

Man, I wish I had things as clear like you
But, you look at me as if expect some of me 
I wanted to give you everything
But, you can't hold my hand
No one has treated me like you
Nobody lied to me like you
Nobody looked at me like you
Why do you say that?
Why are you angry?
Why do you hit, hit my lips
Man, there's a hole in me
& when I look to you again
Something inside me it breaks 
Maybe, my soul is trying to say
How much I really loved you, Man. M

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Into your wings

Inside the loneliness of world
I love you, since I saw you, 
nitrogenous bases & bones easy to break,
I'm more fragile than you
I don't need to understand
in this sick world, you are a blessing
forever, my child. M

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016


Things that I learned or that forget
Moments that I remembered, songs I sang
what I touched or saw 
When I painted and drew
Things that I deleted or block
All dreams that I dreamed and all I wanted
Things that I said or thought, words that I shut up or keep , 
Things that I did and didn't, when I hit or I breaked
what I read and wrote
every time I cried and kiss
Things that I loaded, pedaled or pull down and burn
When I failed and hurt me
when they hurt me and broke my heart
All the times that I wish you were here
All times that I cook, ate and throw up
Things that I cleaned
what I hear or smelled
Things that I bought
when I loved or  I hated
Things in that I believed 
when I manipulated and lie
All the times when I felt whatever
All persons that I conquered, and fell in love
Games I played and won
Things that I made me feel sick
Poems that I composed and correct
Thing that I photographed and memorizing
All that times I danced and kicked
Things that I searched and found or lost
Things that I lived
with all ghosts that I saw

- Do you think it worth your shit? 
- Do you think it worth all shit of the world?

it's just a moment, then you go with your nothingness, can I say.
Things that I lived is conected with all shit of world with the void. M

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016


--The words can't explain the secret sense-- Herman Hesse.

The first saw you I had a foreboding what never forget,  and thought when I could to see you again. When the world found us again this same feeling took me away from you. From us. What the could never be: A feelingM

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

Sunday evening

Walking next to you, listening your voices
Moon grows
Why did you decide to stay?
I don't say anything but I pushed you three times at the vacuum and you're still here, with me, and watching the moon grows.  M

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

A bad feeling

Is closer
comes to the world
I feel the vibrations travel through time
fight or flight. M

domingo, 31 de julio de 2016

When I feel for u

Into the crowd, we looked
our eyes, I was waiting for you
my heart, my hands, his hands
when I feel for you
is real. M

viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Fake poem

Sometimes when my light is weakened, you turn me on, when my petals closed trying to find myself, you give me back, because your voice and your thoughts they are shortcut to me. M

martes, 19 de julio de 2016

Dark creatures

I don't know how to start, I'm sweaty
open my eyes, there are others
I feel it
dark creatures surround me
to touch darkness or she has touched me
once told me, no matter where you hide, will find you
I don't know when it started, but always ends the same way.
In a white canvas & water. M

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016


The worst thing: Empty

The words in my mind run fast
but the time more.
I'm running, but I'm falling apart
all the questions, all the answers
I won't know
resurfacing in the time without have it
I sliding down the cliff and reborn
with the same melancholic inspiration. M

lunes, 11 de julio de 2016


--Cuanto más abstracta es una obra, mas interpretaciones se pueden hacer de ella. Cada espectador sacará algo distinto, justamente como ante el cuadro. Siempre seré fiel a mis ideas abstractas-- David Lynch.

Taza con ginebra
Sujeta de mi. M

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

Plum tree

Sometimes a kiss from you is a fresh swallow of mint tea, 
others it's a glass of hot rum.
I going to distill my blood, cut my veins, 
before you finish cutting my jugular.
I'm going to cut my veins
I going to distill my blood, will paint my lips.
It they will stab your heart. M

martes, 5 de julio de 2016

Pink my heart

"Only unreachable love can be eternally romantic"

When he left, a needle sting my heart
but knew it would be unavoidable, your march
I stood in the doorway, watching him entering his car,
waiting for he turn right over to me, waiting

When I remember you, & your love, I feel the needle, a prick
pricking, pricking  my heart
& my arteries dilate

Look back, look back, I love you.

I want to love someone so much that makes me want to be dead for feeling so alive, so close.

Lying on your chest, I want feel your needles cross my skin & intertwine in my heart.

Look back, look back, I love you

Standing in the doorway. M


No puedo despertar, estoy en una realidad profunda, if awake i will be dead, cuando camino y el viento se escabulle entre mi cabello lo siento real, pero todo se destruye y se va construyendo, estamos en el vacìo. ------------- irrealidades infinitas te atrapan y luego te masacran. Que no te extrañe no verme. M

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016


-- Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer -- William S. Burroughs.

Cuando te miro, me deja una sensación fría y puntiaguda. 

Como si mirara al rio, lo miro fijamente, el agua es transparente.
Transparente y oscura. 
Es mucho decir que no confió en ti
pero por alguna razón me he quedado mirando demasiado al rio. M

lunes, 27 de junio de 2016


I stay awake tonight, wait to see you come, come the love
With my eyes open, my heart is pounding.
It's a strange feeling, How many eyes do you have to look before to be able to recognize love?

I want him to be the rain and my tears in his spit
I want an explosion. M

domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

Wind time

One leaf, 

floating in the air, 

falling dense, 

into transparent waves,


 coming to no-end. M

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016


You stalk me, 
slide to me, sink into my pain, immerse yourself in agony,
crumble the sadness, swing it between the senses, outline the sweet song of pleasure, but never read me, because I will erase myself from your thoughts like a beautiful ghost without spirit, without density, with nothing. M

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

The rose

My rose wilthed after one day.

I don't want to talk about love
I've seen your ghost in my dreams with my eyes open
I didn't want you to find me or love me 
I wanted to be seen as I am
but you're so fake, I could see your ashes walk.

Am water, I am air
You'll never see me, 
I want to be sensed, touched
& may your brain smells me.

My rose arrived half dead between your lips
I will say you goodbye without say it, 

I never came and never went. M

martes, 21 de junio de 2016

Distorted perceptions ☾☾☾. M


Clear lights, I went back to the pathway, in a dreams, darkness bathes me of wonderful encounters, it's a lie, I don't seek you, we don't found us, inside, I can't find me, you're lost, & I can't save me in the desert night, lonely ghosts, golden tears, sighs violets, wild laughter, hidden smells, strange life. Profuse, distant moon. M

domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Music on ♩

We feel it
I start to dance
the music is playing
I dance it, you can feel it?
Ripping into you
You have gone mad, go crazy 
Leap, leap, leap, leap it, leap all

♩ Music on 

Forget it, get it out, get it out, kick it
until disappear
I feel it
In my veins
Taste it
and go away. M

lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

Butterfly rebirth

''Transformation isn't sweet and bright. it's a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unraveling of the untruths you've carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created demons. A complete uprooting before becoming.'' - Victoria Erickson.

Transiting in new realities on world and within us, I didn't want change, but were murdering me, and among them I saw me, hitting myself, breaking each of my bones. I was jumping off the cliff, again and again, but only inside my mind: run away. 

I Grow up and withered, now I know that just have this: a moment. Then, awake in another life, it start over, I pick up the pieces of my past lives by my intuition: feelings. 

To die, die and die out, but I can't see me in my other moment: dimensions. Scattered, incomplete, chipped, I run towards: myself.
To save me. M