jueves, 16 de febrero de 2023

Shocking blue love

[car door closing sound]

She knew everything,this love only suffocated her, when they talked, all she heard was, don't love you and I never have, you always stay doing it easy.

[Road started] 

Rolls down the window glass, because she feels she's not breathing, fucking waste of time: thought.

 nothing in my way¨ coming from radio]

He has been thinking, for a few days: I love her, I feel like trash, and now I understand that if there is someone who can cure me, it's her....

You know, H....

In the curve, he steps on the brake, the tires sound on the pavement, they fall. The car is between two trees, he feels dizzy, he blinks to recover, he speaks to her, but she doesn't respond, turns to she, but, there is a branch crossed in her neck with a sad and distant eyes. 

In the funeral, he feel completely empty, no tears, is like, if seeing his eyes that time, they would have emptied all his blood, his heart couldn't beat.

six months later, hangs himself.

Oh, shocking blue love. M.