viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

contagium vivum fluidum

Where are souls go?

Clean & fresh water come down the river 
it when does stop? 
I think it doesn't, if you turning back, 
only water you will look, endless.

And it started with tiny drop, hard to find.

Living, it's easy to get used to, but not for the last lock eyes.
There is a question that I liked to ask myself, 
before arriving home. 
That question is, are you ready for die?,
 if the answer is no, must do it best.

When I see her eyes, I can perceive that illusion of seeing him enter. My mom's eyes. And He will. With love.

In memory for my stepfather, 
July 9, 1955 - November 2, 2020.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

My room's ghosts

2 Knocks of the closet 

Likes to give you nightmares,

you rarely see her in the day or speaks

but in the night, when all go at sleep 

you will hear toc toc from inside the closet.