lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Into your wings

Inside the loneliness of world
I love you, since I saw you, 
nitrogenous bases & bones easy to break,
I'm more fragile than you
I don't need to understand
in this sick world, you are a blessing
forever, my child. M

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016


Things that I learned or that forget
Moments that I remembered, songs I sang
what I touched or saw 
When I painted and drew
Things that I deleted or block
All dreams that I dreamed and all I wanted
Things that I said or thought, words that I shut up or keep , 
Things that I did and didn't, when I hit or I breaked
what I read and wrote
every time I cried and kiss
Things that I loaded, pedaled or pull down and burn
When I failed and hurt me
when they hurt me and broke my heart
All the times that I wish you were here
All times that I cook, ate and throw up
Things that I cleaned
what I hear or smelled
Things that I bought
when I loved or  I hated
Things in that I believed 
when I manipulated and lie
All the times when I felt whatever
All persons that I conquered, and fell in love
Games I played and won
Things that I made me feel sick
Poems that I composed and correct
Thing that I photographed and memorizing
All that times I danced and kicked
Things that I searched and found or lost
Things that I lived
with all ghosts that I saw

- Do you think it worth your shit? 
- Do you think it worth all shit of the world?

it's just a moment, then you go with your nothingness, can I say.
Things that I lived is conected with all shit of world with the void. M