domingo, 31 de julio de 2016

When I feel for u

Into the crowd, we looked
our eyes, I was waiting for you
my heart, my hands, his hands
when I feel for you
is real. M

viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

Fake poem

Sometimes when my light is weakened, you turn me on, when my petals closed trying to find myself, you give me back, because your voice and your thoughts they are shortcut to me. M

martes, 19 de julio de 2016

Dark creatures

I don't know how to start, I'm sweaty
open my eyes, there are others
I feel it
dark creatures surround me
to touch darkness or she has touched me
once told me, no matter where you hide, will find you
I don't know when it started, but always ends the same way.
In a white canvas & water. M

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016


The worst thing: Empty

The words in my mind run fast
but the time more.
I'm running, but I'm falling apart
all the questions, all the answers
I won't know
resurfacing in the time without have it
I sliding down the cliff and reborn
with the same melancholic inspiration. M

lunes, 11 de julio de 2016


--Cuanto más abstracta es una obra, mas interpretaciones se pueden hacer de ella. Cada espectador sacará algo distinto, justamente como ante el cuadro. Siempre seré fiel a mis ideas abstractas-- David Lynch.

Taza con ginebra
Sujeta de mi. M

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

Plum tree

Sometimes a kiss from you is a fresh swallow of mint tea, 
others it's a glass of hot rum.
I going to distill my blood, cut my veins, 
before you finish cutting my jugular.
I'm going to cut my veins
I going to distill my blood, will paint my lips.
It they will stab your heart. M

martes, 5 de julio de 2016

Pink my heart

"Only unreachable love can be eternally romantic"

When he left, a needle sting my heart
but knew it would be unavoidable, your march
I stood in the doorway, watching him entering his car,
waiting for he turn right over to me, waiting

When I remember you, & your love, I feel the needle, a prick
pricking, pricking  my heart
& my arteries dilate

Look back, look back, I love you.

I want to love someone so much that makes me want to be dead for feeling so alive, so close.

Lying on your chest, I want feel your needles cross my skin & intertwine in my heart.

Look back, look back, I love you

Standing in the doorway. M


No puedo despertar, estoy en una realidad profunda, if awake i will be dead, cuando camino y el viento se escabulle entre mi cabello lo siento real, pero todo se destruye y se va construyendo, estamos en el vacìo. ------------- irrealidades infinitas te atrapan y luego te masacran. Que no te extrañe no verme. M